Resque Concentrate 10ml

Resque Concentrate 10ml

Resque Concentrate is a miracle worker for neck and muscle pain, headaches, sinus and hay fever and a mood lifter during stressful times. It comes in a roller container for daily use, to bring instant relief from spring-time allergies and associated conditions.

It is also effective for insect bites, pimples and preventing breakouts. The formulation contains wintergreen, eucalyptus, peppermint oil, camphor and menthol. Roll content on temples, back of the neck, under the nose or anywhere the skin, body and mind could benefit.

Key active ingredients:
Eucalyptus Oil (Eucalyptus Globulus Oil)

A pure essential oil with healing properties
Well known for its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, decongestant, antiseptic, antibacterial and stimulating properties
Supports overall respiratory helth
Soothes tired and sore muscles
Has cleansing and purifying properties

Product application:
Apply directly onto skin irritations and rashes
For headaches, apply on the forehead and temples.
For sinus or hay fever apply around the nose area
For neck and muscle pain, headaches, sinus and hay fever

Helps relieve:
Insect bites
Rย 219,00